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Is Kale Bad For Dogs or good? It is a complicated question. However, there is no clear consensus among veterinarians as there is no evidence that kale is a harmful food for dogs.

It is best to give kale to dogs occasionally and avoid giving more than ten percent of their daily ration. This green vegetable can cause an upset stomach and may lead to kidney stones. It is safe for dogs as long as it is not served overly seasoned or in a sauce. It is better to serve a cooked slaw instead of raw kale to your dog. The main reason for this is that it contains substances known as goitrogens, which can impair the function of the thyroid gland.


Kale is Safe For Dogs

As for the benefits of kale for dogs, there are several things to keep in mind. While it is generally safe to give your dog kale, it is not recommended that you feed it large amounts of it. It can cause stomach problems and intestinal distress. If your dog cannot urinate after eating kale, you should consult your vet immediately. For larger amounts, kale is not a good option for dogs.


Cook the Kale First to Avoid Upsetting Their Stomach 

In addition to its nutritional benefits, kale can also lead to stomach upset in your dog. Your dog’s stomach may become irritated and may vomit foul-smelling gas. It is essential to understand that kale is difficult for your dog to digest. For this reason, you should always make kale cooked for your dog before feeding it. It will help your dog digest it properly. If you still have concerns, consider switching to a steamed version.


Although kale is not toxic to dogs, it is high in vitamins and minerals. As such, it is a good choice for your dog’s diet. It’s not poisonous when eaten in small amounts. But, if you want to make sure it’s safe, you should cook kale in the dog’s food. Then, you should see how kale affects the dog’s immune system.


Don’t Give Them Too Much Kale 

In general, kale is not toxic for dogs. Though it may taste bitter to your dog, it is safe for them to eat at a healthy level. However, it is important to note that kale can be toxic at high concentrations. Even a small portion of kale can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In extreme cases, kale may lead to bladder stones and should be avoided completely.


It Can Cause Diarrhea and Vomiting 

Aside from preventing bladder stones, kale can lead to gastrointestinal upset. Affected dogs may experience diarrhea or vomiting. In addition, kale can also cause bladder stones, so it’s a good idea to limit your dog’s intake of it to just 10% of its overall calories. You can feed kale to your dog and let it eat whatever you want. It will not be harmful to your pet, but it should be avoided if you’re unsure what is the best thing for your pet.


It Is Important to Note That Not All Dogs Are Safe to Eat Kale 

Despite kale’s beneficial effects for humans, it’s not safe for dogs. It contains significant amounts of calcium oxalate, and not all dogs can tolerate this type of food. Therefore, kale is an excellent choice for your dog if it’s healthy for you. It can also be beneficial for your dog’s diet. It is not recommended for diabetic or hypothyroid pets, but for those with certain health conditions, it can cause kidney stones.


Kale Is Good for Small Breed

In general, kale is not dangerous for dogs. As long as it’s under ten percent of the pup’s diet, it will not cause gastrointestinal problems. However, if your pup is a small breed, kale may be good for it. Start with small amounts and monitor the dog’s reaction to the food. Besides, kale is not harmful unless you give too much of it.


The Amount of Kale You Feed Them May Depend on the Size of Your Dog 

In small amounts, kale is probably harmless for dogs. Of course, it depends on the size of your dog. Some dogs may have adverse reactions to kale, but it’s best to consult a veterinarian first. Then, gradually increase the amount of kale for your dog. It’s a good idea for you to feed your pup a small amount and watch the results. This way, your pet won’t end up with an allergy or any other negative side effects.