When Do Babies Get Their First Shots or Vaccinations?
As a child, you will receive vaccines against several common childhood diseases. You will be given a vaccine for hepatitis B and the human papillomavirus (HPV) and a booster for those shots when your child is 11 months and older. HepB protects against the hepatitis B virus, which can cause cancer. DTaP protects against Diphtheria, a severe infection of the respiratory system that causes coughing fits that last for ten weeks or longer. The DTaP vaccine will also protect against whooping cough, a severe illness that can be fatal for infants. Pertussis is a respiratory disease caused by a bacterium that enters a puncture wound and produces uncontrollable coughing spells.
Around Six Weeks Old
When do babies get their first shots? Most babies start to get these shots around six weeks old. They can be administered to two-week-olds, but they can also be given at six weeks of age. This single vaccination will protect your baby from Diphtheria, whooping cough, Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), and pneumococcal disease. Some infants may also receive rotavirus drops to prevent diarrhea and vomiting.
Some vaccines may not be given immediately after birth. At the same time, many vaccines begin to spread over the first 24 months of a baby’s life. They can also have it in multiple doses. Your doctor will walk you through the process, so there’s nothing to worry about. You can follow the CDC recommendations or consult your pediatrician if you have concerns. It’s best to follow your baby’s doctor’s recommendation.
The CDC recommends that children get their first vaccinations at birth, but it’s not a strict schedule. Some children may require more shots than others, or their doctor may decide on a different day. If you’re not sure, check with your child’s health care provider. They may require you to go to a specialist clinic to ensure that your child has the right vaccines. If your baby needs to be vaccinated, the best option is to follow your doctor’s recommendations.
The vaccinations are given every six months
They should be given the first MMR shot and then the second Hepatitis B vaccine during these months. They should get the first MMR shot at four to six years old. However, there are some precautions. For example, the child should not be left unprotected. The vaccine can cause an adverse reaction in a baby. Doctors usually advise people to stay away from anyone that has been exposed to the disease.

Newborn baby boy taking the rotavirus oral vaccine in a hospital held by his mother. Routine newborn baby vaccination at three months of age
The first vaccination is given at birth, and the second is given at two months
This vaccination is given at six weeks and then at two months. At two months, babies should get a second vaccination for the influenza virus and hepatitis B. The third dose is administered once a year. In addition to these, your baby should receive a rotavirus vaccine. If your baby does not respond to the vaccine, they should not be vaccinated.
The recommended schedule may vary based on your child’s age and area. It is important to remember that a baby’s immune system is still developing, so vaccines are essential for your child’s health. Vaccines are necessary to protect your baby against a variety of diseases. The vaccinations will help keep your baby healthy throughout their life.
During the first year, you should protect your baby against several diseases. Vaccines are available in two doses. Diphtheria, whooping cough, hepatitis A, and Hib are all covered in the first dose. At two months of age, the second immunization is given. The second dose is to treat hepatitis A and polio. The last two shots are for influenza A.